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Počet přístupů: 91651311
Počet novinek: 854


ICQ#: 65448422
ICQ#: 68071162

Krátké zprávy

28.10.: S novinkami kolem Roxette a spol. se roztrhl pytel. Per právě na Facebooku oznámil, že ve studiu krome DVD Roxette připravují i nové živé DVD z koncertu Gyllene Tider.

27.10.: Podľa švédskeho hudobného internetového obchodu , Mariin album NU! výjde už 20.11.2013 a objednaný cez nich, by mal obsahovať aj autogramovú kartu.

25.10.: 21.10.2013 bolo presne 25 rokov, čo Roxette vydali po "Pearls Of Passion", druhý štúdiový album "Look Sharp!". Hity, ako "The Look", "Listen To Your Heart", Dressed For Success" a "Dangerous" sa umiestnili i v Billboard TOP 200 a albumu sa predalo cez 9 miliónov kópií.

22.10.: DVD a BluRay Roxette vyjde 6. prosince a bude k němu přiloženo 16-trackové živé CD. Samostatně živé CD vyjde pouze v elektronické distribuci s dvěma nahrávkami navíc.

20.10.: S novým singlom a albumom Marie, prichádza s novým look-om aj oficiálna webová stránka Marie - .


It Must Have Been Love (4:19)

Lay a whisper on my pillow,
leave the winter on the ground.
I wake up lonely,
there's air of silence
in the bedroom and all around.
Touch me now,
I close my eyes
and dream away.

It must have been love but it's over now.
It must have been good but I lost it somehow.
It must have been love but it's over now.
From the moment we touched 'til the time had run out.

Make-believing we're together,
that I'm sheltered by your heart.
But in and outside I've turned to water
like a teardrop in your palm.
And it's a hard winter's day,
I dream away.

It must have been love but it's over now,
it was all that I wanted, now I'm living without.
It must have been love but it's over now,
it's where the water flows,
it's where the wind blows.

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